Added Fixed Changed

AACT 2.0.13 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added more extensive logs which will be stored under %appdata%\DeBy Games\AACT.(Won't be removed automatically yet. Will come in the future.)
  • Added MoveCharacter instruction.
  • Added "Fade out scene" parameter to FlashScreen.
  • Added the ability to replace the default (Male, Female and Typewriter) blips.


  • AACT can now compile games with assets bigger than a total of 2GB.
  • Removed syntax highlighting for RemoveCharacter and added it for UnloadCharacter.
  • FlashScreen no longer transitions to a hardcoded value (opacity 0) which would override FadeOutScene since they both use the same layer. FlashScreen will now transition back to the initial state of the layer before the flash happened.


  • Fixed a bug where characters would move to the wrong position when using PanCamera.
  • Fixed sound effects not playing a second time.
  • Fixed several (bust most likely not all) bugs from investigations.
  • Fixed a typo in the translation files which prevented it from being shown in the Asset Maker.
  • Fixed namebox not disappearing, when using DisplayText with a null value for the name parameter, if no custom dialogbox has been used.
  • Fixed the Asset Maker crashing rather than showing an error dialog when using illegal characters in a character name.
  • Fixed an inconsistency in some dialog titles.